Create a blog with pod6

This video lesson will show you how to make your blog with pod6

Steps to launch a blog

As a result, you will have a repository in which the changes will be automatically published on site.

Folders structure:

├── pub
│   ├── pages
│   │   ├── about.pod6
│   │   ├── contacts.pod6
│   │   └── gatsby-astronaut.png
│   └── posts
│       ├── 01-post.pod6
│       └── gatsby-astronaut.png
├── pub.all
├── src
├── config.js


The template for blog post is simple:

=begin pod  :pubdate('2020-05-07 10:00:00') :tags<pod6> 
=TITLE 📝 How to make a great post

Place a short description B<here>.

Start text I<here>!
=head2 simple header
=end pod

You can use file pub/posts/01-post.pod6 as a sample for future posts.


Files in pages folder are static pages witch written in pod6. Try to edit it to see as pod6 work!


Please update config.js for your settings and info.

Also you can try as editor for your posts.

🤞Have a nice day!