Alexandr Zahatski
I am interested in personal publishing, decentralised systems and software engineering 💻

🖥 Projects
Podlite is a lightweight block-based markup language designed for flexibility and ease of use.
Project on github:
Specification of Podlite:
Podlite for Desktop - open-source desktop Podlite markup language editor for Windows, Linux, and Mac.
Podlite for Web - A minimal, lightweight starter for creating static blogs/sites using nexjs and Podlite markup language
📂 Site map
Latest record:
Code highlighting in Podlite — a new level of convenience! 🎨

The update made working with text much more pleasant. The HTML preview on the right no longer requires constant attention.

This allows you to fully focus on content creation, leaving the preview only for final checks.
Future plans include visually softening the markup syntax, though the current result is already great.
An interesting idea for future development: eliminate preview by replacing certain blocks (like diagrams) with ready-made images right in the editor. When hovering over such blocks, they could show the source code and a small preview.
If anyone has seen a similar solution — I'd love to know where!
thank you
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